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Wednesday 24 February 2021


I personally started believing whenever it comes to inner peace, nothing matters more than this. I sometimes miss the old me but as a matter of fact, I started admiring the new version of me. I never played a victim in my life no matter what I went through and I NEVER WILL. One thing that helped me deal with everything is MY FAITH in ALLAH. It never shakes, NOT AT ALL, not for a single moment. It’s not like I always have the circumstances turned in my favor. Nope, that’s not the case every time. 

There were a few desires that I really wished to fulfill but they did not happen the way I wanted them to. There were a few of them for which I did every possible thing to make them work for me. But it never happened the way I desired. To be very honest, I cried to the core of my heart but I never let those situations break me because this is not why Allah sent me into this world.  

Let me give you a tip: During my MBA, I had a course on personal development, where my teacher used to give examples of Karbala and Hazrat Imam Hussain and how much pain he has to endure at that time. Obviously, we can’t even imagine it. But the thing I observed and learned from that is “the unshakable trust of IMAM HUSSAIN in ALLAH.”

Now look around your life, what do we usually do when we don’t get our wishes to be fulfilled?

We started questioning “why our prayers are not being answered?” Just look at the question and ask yourself, how easy it is for us to raise this question in our mind. But as a MUSLIM don’t we know, that ALLAH IS ALL-HEARING, ALLAH IS NEARER TO OUR JUGULAR VEIN? Then why on earth, do we let this negative thought come into our minds?

Unfortunately, we have been involved in worldly matters so much that we only ask ALLAH from temporary things and people and we literally bitterly cry when we don’t get such things due to despair we start asking such silly questions to ALLAH, and if not to ALLAH then to ourselves.

What do you think you are doing by saying all this? Now, coming back to the scenario of Karbala.

Are you close to Allah as much as Hazrat Imam (A.S) was? No not at all, you can never be. Look at the situation he had to deal with in his life.

Believe me, the only thing that helped Hazrat Imam Hussain to deal with that situation was his unbreakable trust in Allah.

Always remember, the real sense of asking something in prayer is “to ask and leave it on Allah,” Now Allah will decide what is better for you as HE is ALL-KNOWING. LET ALLAH DECIDE. Have TRUST ON HIM.

I am so sorry to say, if you ask for a BURNING COAL from ALLAH HE WILL NEVER GIVE YOU, NEVER EVER. To all those who want to get their prayers answered, please ask him to grant you only what is favorable to you, not that which you like. Because HE KNOWS BETTER, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW

Trust HIM, Believe HIM, and Have patience. Indeed Allah is with the patients.

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