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Thursday 5 November 2020

Marrying in an Asian Household is no more than a Gamble!

There is one thing that constantly running into my mind and I would like to share with y'all. In my circle and even in your own circle,  you might have those female friends who are self-made,  who are career oriented and ambitious.  They spent their lives working hard that one day their dreams would come true.  They would achieve the milestones which they have set for themselves.  But one day unfortunately, they turned 25 years old.  Hence,  crossing the benchmark of getting married which is specified by this so-called society. So, as days pass by their rishta hunt starts and after a thorough research  that ambitious and career oriented girl gets married. Now what happens next, there are two scenarios.  

1. If the girl is lucky enough to get supportive husband and supportive susral (which is really a blessing these days) she might pursue her career the way she wants. She might be able to make her dreams come true.  Those dreams which as a HUMAN she has been dreaming since childhood and all goes well. 

2. On the other hand, if unfortunately,  her husband and susraal is not supportive, she has to compromise on her dreams.  The dreams, she has been dreaming since her CHILDHOOD. That makes at least 20 years of her life. She has to forego her vision which she has set for herself.

Why?? Just because her susraal and husband wants her to be a full time home maker. They forget that they are asking and expecting a person who spent her whole life in a particular style to compromise and forget who she is. They expect her to forget what her identity is. 

I have a lot of respect for all those ladies who are home-makers and who are lovely house wives. My own mother was a brilliant home-maker. But that was something which she has chosen for herself by her own consent.  It was not something that was imposed on her because she was getting married. 

I want to ask a question from all the female readers here. Whenever you go for a rishta hunt for you brother,  your son and your brother in law etc. Do you really ask from a girl about her aims, about her future plans? Do you even bother yourself to get to know about her mindset? 

No?  I am sure you don't.  Why?  Because you consider a girl as an object for you, you don't consider her a human.  You feel if the girl is pretty and fulfilling your requirements to make her a show piece,  so you agree to that rishta.

Dr. Bahu,  is one of the best example of your hypocrite nature.  You want a Dr. Bahu who spent 5 years of her life pursuing MBBS to end up taking care of your whole khandan ONLY?  Why??  If you really want a girl in your house to be a home-maker then go and find those girls who really want to be a HOME MAKER,  who doesn't wanna do job after getting married.  and I am sure there are so many girls you would find like that. Why do you get your son and brother married to an ambitious and career oriented girl and imposed on her the only choice that is to be a home-maker.  Why do you forget, you are ruining an individual's life.  Why don't you realise that you are asking a person to forget who she is by saying "HAMARE YAHAN TOU AESE HI HOTA HAI."

I know after reading this so many keyboard warriors would come up and  comment down "you spoke our heart out loud." For them I would say. Yes, I spoke your heart out loud.  But what is your stance against this hypocrite culture? Are you taking any step against this hypocrisy to prevent it? Are you brave enough to endorse, this is wrong in front of your mother or any other relative who are practicing it?  Are you  courageous enough to take stand against it?  Or you are the ones who are promoting the same toxic practice? Do you really have the guts to say it in your family that whatever we are doing is ethically wrong? How many of you would think about it on a serious note and try to educate the females in your family about the cruelty they have been doing since so many years?  Come forward,  I would really love to know ☺️

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